Sunday, June 14, 2009


We are halfway done with the year WOO HOO!! only 5 more months until I get to go stay with my family again, There is alot of excitement at their house with talk about going to some Red Rock, I was pretty confused about the whole thing so I had to do a little bit of investigating, and I'm so happy that I did, Red Rock, is a week long FAMILY Bible camp!!  How FUN!!  in my investigations, I learned that Mom started going there when she was in 5th grade, Nana used to teach crafts there and even Great Grams attended in the past. They have met a lot of Friends there over the years. This year, Mom is doing Crafts with the Preschoolers and Junior High campers, I bet they will have alot of fun!

There is not much going on up at the North Pole, June is our last month of down time before the world of Craziness starts to pick back up in July, when The kids leave for Bible Camp their Elves will be comming to the North Pole for their official Meet and Greet with Santa and the Top Elves, I get to go too because we will be working together, I'm so nervous, I really hope they like me!

Tootles -- Skeeter