I could hardly wait to get home from Training Camp today, We got the names of our Holiday Host Family! I get to visit a family of 5, they are from Minnesota. Luckily the mom seems pretty on top of things and keeps blogs and info online for the children, so I can get to know more about them before my visit. The oldest is Zack, he is 10 1/2 he has a facebook page, but it is set to private so his mom can keep tabs on the activity, thats pretty smart I guess? Anyhow, Santa used his magic to let me into his page so I could read a bit about him. It doesnt look like he's updated recently, but from what I can tell he likes Pokemon, soccer, webkinz, and video games. Sounds like my kind of kid! Next there is Preston, he seems like a barrel of laughs, He is just about to turn 6. I was reading on his site and it says he likes music, and playing his guitar, and that he likes to make stuff. From what I can tell he really likes camouflage, and he goes to something called Kindergarten. I have to look more into what type of facility that is. Then there is a little girl, her name is questionable, on her website it says she's a Princess. She is reffered to as Eliana, Ellee, Lucy, L... and a ton of other things, poor kid must be really confused, I know I sure was. She is a cute little thing, she has curly hair and a sweet little smile. Apparently she likes to cause alot of mischief, I think we will get along GREAT! The mom's name is Micki, I wonder if she knows Mickey Mouse? she keeps in contact with the cyber world on her blog, facebook, and a bunch of message boards, this woman is everywhere, she also has a business website for Photography, she does an ok job taking pictures, might have to swap notes with her durring my visit. And then there is the Dad, his name is Dan, kind of reminds me of Santa claus with his rosey red cheeks. He spends alot of time at work, and doing outdoorsy things like hunting and fishing. it says in my notes that he is a real jokester and likes to pull pranks.

Here is their Christmas card from last year =) Overall my family looks really great. I can hardly wait to go see them. This weeks assignment for Training camp is to learn as much as we can about our Holiday Host Family. I think it will be fun :)
Tootles --Skeeter
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